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This is a very well built stand for the money. I read reviews that all seemed positive and the stand is great.
There was one review that a Brad posted about hack sawing the bolt. Buddy it is two pieces like the seller told you. All you had to do is unscrew from each side. Not hard to notice.
- Annie, @annie_le, United Kingdom

Good quality kit at a reasonable price. I really like the case it comes in and how well the tools fit in it making it a great portable kit. Just about all the tools to work on a modern bike.
- John Smith, @john_smith97, Australia

For the price, this was a great set because it included an inflator kit and cartridges. I unfortunately had to use it on a bike ride shortly after my purchase and found it very easy to use, the cartridges did a great job of filling up the tire and the knob on the inflator kept the cartridge from losing air before it was on the valve.
- Jolie, @joliee, United States

Good quality kit at a reasonable price. I really like the case it comes in and how well the tools fit in it making it a great portable kit. Just about all the tools to work on a modern bike.
- Tony's Hobbies, United States
Wednesday, Jan 26, 2022

Decided that I didn’t want to use clipless pedals and special shoes anymore, and these pedals are working great. Went on a 27 mile ride today and had absolutely zero trouble with my feet slipping, they stayed firmly in place.
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2022